Welcome to CDF4MD at MDM 2025

Mobile data management deals with diverse data coming from dynamic and potentially heterogeneous data sources. Mobile systems produce myriads of data, including such of different modalities, types, or at different processing stages, summarized by the term domain. With emerging modern technologies, such as Internet-of-Things, these systems and their data get more complex with each day to come. State-of-the-Art (SOTA) methods typically only allow to analyze data sets within a single domain. We are missing data analysis techniques that are designed for fusing multiple pieces from different (scientific) domains to gain a more holistic knowledge of complex systems. It is imperative that such explorative data analysis methods are developed to enable domain experts to effectively leverage this holistic knowledge.

This workshop introduces cross-domain fusion (CDF) as an emerging topic to mobile data management. CDF involves identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies in spatio-temporal data, including sensor measurements, satellite imagery, or data generated by scientific models with spatio-temporal context. This offers insights into the underlying processes and mechanisms governing the system under investigation. CDF addresses the key aspects of fusing multiple views from different domains using exploratory data analysis to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies among arbitrary views enabling, for instance, the construction of spatio-temporal digital twin worlds.

Call for Papers

We invite papers discussing novel research and ideas without substantial overlap with papers that have been published or submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must be maximum 6 pages long (including all figures, tables, and references) and should report original research results or significant case studies. Submissions should be formatted using the MDM 2025 camera-ready template. If accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present the work. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the 2025 International Conference on Mobile Data Management and included in the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

Submissions discussing the following topics will be considered:

  • Fusion and analysis methods for multimodal data
  • Fusion and analysis methods for multiformat data
  • Distributed and parallel cross domain fusion
  • Fusion of raw data with data models
  • Online (Edge/Fog/Cloud) processing of multisource data
  • Resource-limited processing of multisource data
  • Domain fusion in distributed and parallel data collections
  • Applications of cross domain fusion
  • Methods for combining data with background knowledge
All abstracts and papers must be submitted using the Microsoft CMT portal:

The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

Important Dates (23:59 AoE)

  • Paper Submission

    Authors submit papers until
    March 20, 2025
    March 27, 2025

  • Acceptance Notice

    Authors will be notified until
    April 7, 2025
    April 14, 2025

  • Camera-Ready

    Deadline for camera-ready submissions
    April 25, 2025


  • Matthias Renz

    Dept. of Computer Science
    Kiel University

  • Peer Kröger

    Dept. of Computer Science
    Kiel University

  • Nikos Mamoulis

    Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
    University of Ioannina

  • Nelson Tavares de Sousa

    Dept. of Computer Science
    Kiel University

  • Yannick Wölker

    Dept. of Computer Science
    Kiel University

Program Committee

  • TBA